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Old December 1st 04, 02:27 PM
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Leave it alone or do it the old way
"Lucky" wrote in message

"Jack Painter" wrote in message

"the captain" wrote

just as the authorities are protecting all the people that radio-mart
has been cheating ?

You're clueless, a child dabbling in an adult's world. But in case you're
nice kid who's just lacking any knowledge of where your AOL keystrokes
wander after they leave your playhouse, here is how it works:

Buying merchandise via eBay has its own set of rules and controls that
be followed before most state attorneys would agree to file a complaint.
After remedies specified in the eBay contract (which both buyer and
are bound to) have been exhausted, then a complaint is actionable with
local authority. A judgement could be issued in your small claims court
against the party of your complaint. You then serve that judgement to a
court of jurisdiction where the accused resides or does business. An
attorney should represent you there if this is in a state other than your
own. If your case is compelling to the court in the accused's court of
jurisdiction, then that judgment from your court will be upheld and
against the accused. When the accused later ignores this judgment that
out-of-stater (you) obtained against him, then you (your attorney) has to
reappear in court, and obtain summary judgment, and file with the local
sheriff to seize, hold and auction property to settle your claim. This
cost you much, much more than the portable radio you bought that arrived
broke. So unless you can afford to really teach this offender a lesson,
the value of the damages you can claim are really significant, you lose.
Nobody is protecting you from yourself in making deals over eBay with a
known hatchet-case. You'll be the one that gets really famous if you ever
organize a felony mail fraud or wire fraud over a silly eBay dispute.
it alone.


"Jack Painter" wrote
"the captain" wrote

this is his phone number, are there a few databases we can submit
to so he gets calls day and night ?

how about a fax database ???

any devious people out there,,,take it away !!!

859 221 8015

Can you say "Conspiracy to commit [FELONY] wire fraud"? Are you so

with so little to do besides wait for the next chapters of as the world turns, that you have to propose others join

you in
illegal acts? You've just given this RadioMart guy something to

fun with [YOU] should he decide to file a criminal complaint against

any others that follow your advice.

Jack Painter
Virginia Beach VA

Or, you can avoid all that, find out where he lives, go down there and
break his head open...I like my way better...
