In this case, yes and no. Drake built the SW8 at their plant
in Franklin, OH. Grundig/Eton came along and bought
the design, and contracted out to a third party in China
to manufacture the Sat 800.
That said, Drake refurbished or inspected Sat 800's are
the ones you really want.
--Mike L.
"CW" wrote in message
"RivaScoot" wrote in message
On Wed, 1 Dec 2004 11:02:20 -0500, "Michael Lawson"
Does the fact that the Satellit 800 and the SW8 have the same
reception circuitry mean a third-party company makes the internals
that Grundig and Drake simply slap their name on the product?
I'm probably way off on base about this, but I was just curious.