"Kachina 78" wrote in message
Greetings, The first time I saw Gerrys' name in print, was when I got my
subscription to Popular Electronics in 1966. His name would appear on a
list of
SWL's, who would send in monitoring logs each month. The only reason I
his name, is because he was the only contributing monitor who lived close
me. My logic back then was that if Gerry could hear it, so could I.
Electronics used to register us as SWL monitors, and even assign us
with call signs. Mine was WPE9IPH, and I still have it hanging on the
wall. I was DXing back then with a Knight-Kit Space Spanner, that I put
together myself. Nobody was more suprised than me, when the thing actually
worked. Does anybody else still have their Monitoring Certificate from
Electronics? Good DXing to you, Gary
I have a callsign issued by the outfit in Cherry Hill, NJ - the name escapes
me at the moment.