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Old December 3rd 04, 12:14 AM
Posts: n/a

"tommyknocker" wrote in message
DesignGuy wrote:

This morning just past 1400 GMT I heard a station on 9870 KHz with what
sounded like U.S. AM/FM station ads and promos. "KFI" was mentioned a

times. Strong signal into KY, around +20. Was unable to stay tuned long
enough to get an ID.

Anyone heard this before?

Also had a weak het around 2135 GMT from LRA36/Antartica, 15476 KHz.

not pick up any audio.

KFI is an AM station in Los Angeles, on 640 khz. If that's what you
heard, it would be like a 14th harmonic or something, which would be
highly unusual but not unheard of.

No I didn't think it was a harmonic, likely relayed or taped and