I friend of mine, ham, is handicapped and cannot move without his wheelchair
He experiments QRM on low bands 160/80/75m induced by the fence installed by
his neighbor
I don't know what kind of fence it is, and if it is really close to his
house or miles away...
He would like to know if a rotaty loop antenna could remove this QRM ?
I used a Wellbrooks ALA1530 and I am not sure that he could remove such QRM
as it.
Usually a fence has HV pulses generated by a large ignition coil or similar
transformer or this is maybe a thermostatic device
I see three solutions:
- I 'd like to know if there is a way to install on the fence itself a
"de-parasiter", something like a low-pass filter that 'd cut all trancient
emissions in HF bands ?
- or could the MFJ noise canceller (MFJ 1025/1026) be a solution (tightening
a second antenna like a long wire 20m long outdoor)
- at last is there another model of receive antenna that could really reject
this kind of QRM ?
Any other idea or an URL ?
Thanks in advance
Thierry, ON4SKY