m II wrote:
m II wrote:
Sounds like BS to me. If indeed Customs were refusing access, they would
have given a reason why.
The reason may be that the communist Chinese have been forging UL and
CSA testing certificates on some electrical devices. The last episode
involved compact fluorescent bulbs. There have been fires caused by
this junk.
The affected bulbs (this time) are the 13 watt Mini Spiral versions.
This is as bad as those lead cont animated window shades they were
selling a few years back and the recycled carbon from crankcase oil
that was made into printer's ink and used in exported books. I had one
and it actually stunk. Carcinogenic.
Our governments aren't doing their jobs.
And you're not doing your 'job' either 'tard boy.
Now get out there and tote that portable.