On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 13:30:05 +0200, "Thierry" - wrote:
QRM on low bands 160/80/75m induced by the fence installed by
his neighbor
I don't know what kind of fence it is, and if it is really close to his
house or miles away...
Hi Thierry,
First, find the offender. This is easy because, as you have
experienced, the noise is everywhere. With that in mind, hop in the
car and tune it in. Drive around and make it louder. You will then
have answered the question as to where it is located.
Second, the reason why it is loud, much less louder. Electric fences
fail for one of several reasons. Poor ground (how about that?) can
offer problems, but it ranks pretty low. Poor connections can
frustrate, but they are simple to fix if you simply walk the fence and
inspect. Arcing can occur, but this is often confined to the lowest
wire that is being brushed by grass, which then burns off with a
sizzle (across the spectrum). Trimming vegetation takes care of that
(and has you walking the fence line once again).
A useful tool to take along is a circuit tester with a neon bulb. It
should light up at the right places (or the wrong places) or dim in
the wrong places (or the right places). Again, this has you walking
the fence line.
Expect to visually inspect along the fence line.
Richard Clark, KB7QHC