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Old December 5th 04, 03:12 PM
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= = = "tianli" wrote in message
= = = ...
If a guy had a huge attic and built a 80 meter "CAGE DIPOLE" out of 2

diameter continuous aluminum flex tubing.... would it work better than a
cage dipole built of multiple wires?

What is your definition of better? Certainly wider BW, but the loss is

already so low, that the improvment there would be infinitesimal.
How does this relate to the Subject - Big Loop?
Dale W4OP

As Dale mentioned you will only gain a wider bandwidth for the frequency its
length is cut for.

Instead of a single linear dipole think about constructing a very large
horizontal loop around the perimeter of your roof.
The bandwidth for a 1 wavelength (90meters) H-loop is continuos from 90
meters all the way up to 6 meters. The performance is identical to a dipole
at an equal height.

Lots of info about large horizontal loops on the web.

[ For One and All ]

"SkyWire Loop Antennas" Forum {eGroup} on YAHOO !
- This group is for the Radio Experimenter who wants to Learn and
Exchange their Knowledge and 'secrets' about the SkyWire Loop Antenna.
Learn from fellow group members, just how the SkyWire Loop Antenna
works with your radios and receivers. Here you will find Information
and Data on figuring out how to plan and construct a SkyWire Loop
Antennas to cover all your Longwave (LW), Medium Wave (AM/MW/BCB),
and Shortwave (SW) listening needs. Make a SkyWire Loop Antenna a
great addition to your antenna and radio building projects.

"Loop Antenna" Forum {eGroup} on YAHOO !
- Discussion of loop antennas on all bands including ferrite loops,
air core, all types. All bands SHF, VLF, LF, MF, HF, VHF, UHF, etc.
Shortwave, longwave, receivers, transmitters, all fair game here.

"Loop Antenna Information and Design" Forum {eGroup} on YAHOO !
- Welcome the GCC Loop Antenna Designers and Builders group, this
list is everyone who likes to learn about all bands ELF, VLF, LF,
MF, HF, VHF, and FM broadcast and UHF Loop antennas. Contruction,
tips, help, questions, and websites are welcome to the group.

hth ~ RHF