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December 9th 04, 02:48 PM
Posts: n/a
That's the downside of deregulation for you.
They used to put a short at your end and send enough current into the
wires to boil-off the moisture, if they couldn't find the physical
Don't bother with DirecPC. It's slower than dialup.
On Wed, 8 Dec 2004 10:48:56 -0600,
I have been living in this old house for over fifty years and I have
Bell South land line service.(when it works,that is) Never before had I
ever had any problems with my land line before the first Sunday night of
last month.Since then it has rained here at least seven or eight times
and every single time my land line has stopped working.The first time,I
phoned Bell South from a neighbor's phone after my phone line had
stopped working and it was five days later on a Friday afternoon at
about 5:00 PM when a repairman guy got here to check out my phone line
and at about 5:30 PM as if by magic my phone line started working
again.(I guess because it had finally dried out enough that it started
working again) I phoned Bell South again Tuesday morning after my phone
line had stopped working after a rain on Monday night right before
Thanksgiving and the lady on the phone said a repairman would be here
the following Monday.Guess what? He never showed up here.I can see the
bottom of that door on the phone box up there on the wires near the top
of the power pole at the edge of my driveway is warped from the effects
of the weather,heat and cold,whatever,and there is a large open gap on
both edges of that door and I think rain gets into that phone box up
there and stops my phone line from working untill it dries out.Like I
say,it has rained here at least (actually,I lost count) seven or eight
times since the first Sunday night of last month and every single time
my phone line will stop working from anywhere from an hour or two up to
a day or so or several days long.The last time was last Sunday at about
2:30 PM and it did not start working again untill Tuesday morning of
this week at about 2:40 AM.You are right,the Southern baby bells are the
pitts.Sooner or later perhaps this month or next month I intend to get
my computer on satellite internet access and then I will buy myself a
cellphone (it won't be Cingular because Cingular is part of Bell South)
and then I will cancel my Bell South land line service.(service? what
service?) I rarely use my land line phone anyway,in fact I keep it
unplugged except when I want to use it.Only myself and my little doggy
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