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Old October 26th 04, 01:41 AM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

Mogens wrote:

Does this cap go in series with the coil at the top, or does it go in
parallel as do the 80 and 40 meter caps?

Are you aware that you have to use a 1/4 wave lenght impedance transformer
(matching line) on 20 meters?
This is the text from the original manual:

Yes, I am.

Symptom: High SWR on 20 meter; other bands OK.
Look for: Missing matching line. Antenna not properly tuned. 20 meter
radials not present or wrong length.

Well, this is a ground level installation, with underground radials

Consult instructions for tuning and
radial information; install matching line RG-11 75 ohm coax, 11 ft 4 in
(345.4 cm) if solid dielectric, 13 ft 6 in (411.5 cm) if foam type.

AH-HA! Since the antenna didn't have the matching line with it, I put a
1/4 wave stub of around 16' 6" on it, which is quite off from the actual
value that they want. It is solid dielectric, so it is off by over 5 feet!

Thanks very much for the clarification of my problem.

For the original question that I had, I am going to put the cap in
series with the 30 meter coil, as after scrutiny of the parts list, that
is the only way I can see it fitting in the assembly.

- Mike KB3EIA