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Old December 14th 04, 02:39 AM
Posts: n/a

I do believe , if you think, your kids a gonna git in a bit of trouble, it
behooves you to pry a bit,
- rather than have a 3 A.M. call from the cops of a tearful,
( Hysterical ) announcement that Biology has taken its un interrupted course..

"bpnjensen" wrote in message
A good home will not guarantee a problem-free child - but a bad home
will almost certainly guarantee a problematic child. I've seen to many
examples to not have this opinion. Given the odds, I'll pick door
number one.

But the man claiming to be an expert is claiming that a "GOOD" home will
reap a good child - every time!
HE IS WRONG.... That is all we're saying.

Oh, and by the way - there is NOTHING to suggest that the woman who
scolded her child and was subsequently threatened made any attempts
earlier to properly raise her child with due respect for her elders and
the law. You cannot just pick an isolated incident and say, "There,
see?" without some context.

There are many incidents like this around the country daily, I can assure
you. I used that example only to show the mother was threatened when she
was only trying to tell her daughter right from wrong, so she wouldn't end
up in trouble. What kind of mother would she have been to condone it????
And yes, I did forget one point, the items stolen were taken back with the
girl in tow to apologize. The store owner was very understanding. It wasn't
the mothers fault the child stole. She trusted her daughter to go to the
store for her. The younger sister knew it was wrong to steal! She knew to
tell her mother about it. The mother raised her children right. She was a
damned good mother to those girls. I know what she did for those kids. She
did everything she could for them. You can't fault the parents
automatically, that just isn't fair. You're starting to sound like the other
guy - it's "always" the parents fault. NO it is not. My parents did their
best with me. IF I grew up to be a criminal, that is on me, not them. I KNOW
the job they did. The few things I DID do as a child - learning by my
mistakes, I hurt my parents feelings - I let them down and they didn't
deserve it. I was no angel as a child. In one case, as is so prevalent
today, I got in with the wrong crowd. PEER PRESSURE. But I learned quick -
they weren't good company. I had some understanding adults show me right
from wrong.

On the other matter, regarding people who have abused our laws to make
it impossible for people to act responsible in traditional ways without
ear of retribution - you have my wholehearted agreement. I do not use
or condone corporal punishment, but a parent must have an arsenal of
reasonable disciplinary tactics that she can use use to adjust her
child's behavior.

Bruce Jensen

I just can not accept the policy of "all" parents are the fault. But there
are no easy answers. This society is getting worse every day.