"Jon Lippert" wrote in message
Greetings! I have been thinking about putting up a 40 meter dipole on my
My roof runs 68' long so it sounded good to me. My question is this. I
thinking about instead just putting up a longwire there instead. Would the
antenna work better for general shortwave listening if I made it an end
antenna instead of a 40 meter dipole? If it would work just as well as
dipole I will just do that, but if it would work better for shortwave as
an end
fed antenna I would prefer to do that just now as we are in the season.
me the benefit of your knowledge. Thanks a bunch and have a great week!
I believe a longwire or random wire antenna will generally give better
results over a broad range of frequencies, where a dipole would be better
suited for receiving one particular desired band. I'm sure there are others
here more knowledgeable who can add to this in more detail. Good luck.