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Old December 17th 04, 05:32 PM
Stephen M.H. Lawrence
Posts: n/a

"Brian Hill" wrote in message
| "Stephen M.H. Lawrence" wrote in message
| I think Part 15 should be better - enforced.
| Yea and the sad part is. Most of these fixes to appliances are cheap to do
| when they're being built. A simple cap, bulun, sheilding etc.

Precisely. A handful of ferrite beads, plus conductive silver spray,
has allowed me to eliminate 95% of the RFI from my immediate
listening environment. I think the electronics manufacturers are
engaged in a race to the bottom, in terms of engineering quality of
their collective product.

One of the bright spots on the RFI horizon was the gift of an LCD
monitor from my brother in law (wedding present) a couple of years
ago. Glass CRTs are fast becoming unavailable, and that is one
"solid-state" trend I heartily support.


Steve Lawrence
Burnsville, Minnesota

"If a man wants his dreams to come true then he must wake up."
- Anonymous

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