"Dick and Judy Tarr" wrote in message
| I have a Sony Wega 20" in the room adjacent to the computer/radio room.
| interference generated by this tv being turned on (my wife watches it all
| the time, unfortunately) is mind boggling, especially on the 41 and
| bands (7 & 9 mhz on my Icom R71A receiver and longwire antenna. What
| exactly did you mean when you said you installed a "powerstrip" behind the
| tv? The Sony 20" tv is plugged into a hefty surge protector. Plugging
| the wall outlet directly vs into the surge protector outlet strip does not
| affect the massive amount of rfi it generates on the aforementioned bands
| (wipes them out completely). Any suggestions? Please define what you
| by "powerstrip behind the tv." Any help would be much appreciated.
| Dick
| Bremerton, WA
Well, Dick, it's basically an extension - cord - box thingy with an "on/off"
Sadly, I don't want to climb into the back of the TV because it's still
under warranty.
I can definitely commiserate with you, though, because my experience is very
to yours. I found that building and installing a rotatable coax loop did
wonders to
eliminate the noise, due to the fact that the loop allows me to "null" the
noise. I
was considering getting an MFJ antenna "noise canceller," but after building
the loop,
I decided that would be a waste of time.
Steve Lawrence
Burnsville, Minnesota
"If a man wants his dreams to come true then he must wake up."
- Anonymous
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