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Old December 19th 04, 06:15 PM
Stephen M.H. Lawrence
Posts: n/a

"peter berrett" wrote in message
| Hi all
| I would be interested to hear comments on the suitability or otherwise of
| using an Icom IC-751 for short wave listening. I have this set and it has
| good coverage. My only concern is that the audio seems a bit limited in
| frequency range (ie not much in the way of high frequencies). Many years
| I used to own a Realistic Dx-302 which had very good audio
characteristics -
| it was a pleasant receiver to listen to a short wave station on.
| Are ham rigs like the IC-751 any good for short wave listening?
| cheers peter

Our university amateur radio club had the '751 as their main HF rig, and
I spent hours and hours SWLing with the radio. It performed extremely
well, actually, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the rig for SWL use.


Steve Lawrence
Burnsville, Minnesota

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