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Old December 19th 04, 08:32 PM
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Default How was your year radio-wise ?

Time for some reflection on 2004 .... as far as shortwave radio, how did it go?

Did you get a new radio, make some interesting catches, new QSL's, learn
something new?

Me? I bought a couple new radios: Palstars R30 and MW550sp, Yaesu FT767gx and
FL2100b. I made a few interesting loggings ... nothing spectacular ... but
interesting: R. Sonder Grense 3320khz, Zimbabwe 3306khz, ZIZ St. Kitts 555khz.
In ham radio I started and completed 6m VUCC and started 2m VUCC, worked about
40 countries on 40m, learned alot about greyline propagation on 41/40m.

Goals for 2005: I plan on sending out more reception reports to SW broadcasters
with a focus on the low frequencies (below 10mhz) since we are approaching the
solar cycle minimum. Ham-wise I'd like to polish off a few awards (6m WAS, WAC,
2m VUCC) and upgrade to Extra class.

I've been playing with radio's since 1974 and I still find things to keep it
all interesting !

73 and good DX,

John Wilke
Milwaukee, WI USA