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Old December 17th 04, 09:05 PM
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Dick and Judy Tarr wrote:

I have a Sony Wega 20" in the room adjacent to the computer/radio room. The
interference generated by this tv being turned on (my wife watches it all
the time, unfortunately) is mind boggling, especially on the 41 and 31meter
bands (7 & 9 mhz on my Icom R71A receiver and longwire antenna. What
exactly did you mean when you said you installed a "powerstrip" behind the
tv? The Sony 20" tv is plugged into a hefty surge protector. Plugging into
the wall outlet directly vs into the surge protector outlet strip does not
affect the massive amount of rfi it generates on the aforementioned bands
(wipes them out completely). Any suggestions? Please define what you mean
by "powerstrip behind the tv." Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Bremerton, WA

I also have a Wega flat screen (CRT) near my receiver (Drake-R8B). The
television does seem to put out more RFI than the one it replaced, but
it's not a problem because of the antenna system I use. Here's why:

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