m II wrote:
Stephen M.H. Lawrence wrote:
One of the bright spots on the RFI horizon was the gift of an LCD
monitor from my brother in law (wedding present) a couple of years
ago. Glass CRTs are fast becoming unavailable, and that is one
"solid-state" trend I heartily support.
It's a step in the right direction, but I'm going to wait. A few years
ago I bought a small laptop with a ten inch screen. Within a few
months, it had five or six dead pixels.
The computer was still completely usable, but seeing those dead spots
started to really bother me. A CRT will either work or not work, plus
the colour rendition in Corel Draw and Photoshop is still superior to
the LCD. That's important to a lot of people
I like the smaller depth of the LCD screen and the much lower power
consumption, but I'll be waiting for a year or two yet before committing.
A CRT can get dead pixels (phosophors) but it's more rare than LCD's.
CRT's usually die a slow death as the cathode emission gets weaker with
age. This makes the screen get dimmmer and less focused.
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