CHEAP radio - any suggestions?
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December 19th 04, 12:26 AM
running dogg
Posts: n/a
I need recommendations for a cheap shortwave radio, and I don't mean
Degen 1102 cheap. I'm talking Grundig FR-200 cheap, 40 bucks or so.
Preferably something available domestically (U.S.), since shipping
charges on Tecsuns and Degens from China boost their prices to beyond
my limit.
A family member has had a Grundig FR-200 for a couple of years. It has
held up well, and the reception is acceptible for my purposes. Is it
my best choice at that price, or are there others I should consider?
I'm not expecting miracles, but I do want reasonably good reception
from roughly 49 - 16M.
A local electronics store here still has a few analog Sonys. They're not
SW40's, but something with a clamshell case that opens to reveal a
solely analog dial. I think it's an SW11. In any case, it's not in
Passport. There might be a few other small analog portables out there
that Passport doesn't list because they don't have digital tuning, but
could be sporadically available depending on where in the US you are.
Start poking around the musty corners of your local electronics stores,
or look through those catalogs of cheap gifts (like Carol Wright Gifts)
that everybody seems to get. A year or two ago Carol Wright was selling
a small analog portable made under the Bell and Howell name that
performed pretty well and was like $10.
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