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Old October 28th 04, 08:44 AM
Roy Lewallen
Posts: n/a

Cecil Moore wrote:

Roy Lewallen wrote:

You seem to have convinced a few readers of the group that you know
what you're talking about. Since you're apparently not able to
express your ideas in concrete form, perhaps one of them will
volunteer to do the mundane work of developing a coherent theory to
explain it in scientific and mathematical terms.

You must have missed some of my postings. I have already expressed my
ideas in concrete form. Maybe you don't like the simplicity of

Itot = I+ + I- (I+ is forward current and I- is reflected current)

I love the simplicity of Itot = I+ + I-. I also like the simplicity of 1
+ 1 = 2, V = I/R, and e^(j*pi) = -1. But none of these is adequate to
determine the current at the top and bottom of a loading coil.

Standing wave antennas possess standing waves. Standing waves occur
when forward waves and reflected waves are superposed. The phase
rotation of these two component currents are in opposite directions.
The result is a sinusoidal function for both net voltage and net

Any real-world air-core coil has a phase delay that affects the
forward current and the reflected current. Since they are phase
rotating in opposite directions, the overall effect is doubled. It's
all explained on my web page. Have you taken time to read it?

Yes, and for the life of me I can't see how to use it to find the
current at the top and bottom of a coil in a simple monopole.

But I'm kind of dense. Can one of the many other readers of this group
kindly explain how Cecil's equations and explanations are used to
actually figure out what the current will be at the top and bottom of a
loading coil? Yuri, you seem to understand it -- can you explain it to
me? Richard? Surely the necessary equations are in one of your books?

Roy Lewallen, W7EL