Thread: 2 questions.
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Old December 22nd 04, 03:42 PM
Posts: n/a

"Maturin" wrote in message

I'm new to the hobby of SWL, and currently studying for a amateur
radio license. I'm using a Sony ICF-2010 as my primary radio. I
apologize if my question is OT, but I'm interested in picking up
distant MW signals. One of my better catches would have to be WICC on
600 kHz broadcasting from Bridgeport, CT @ 500 W, and approx. 350
miles from me (reciever is in downeast Maine.) Anyway, my goal is to
pick up a signal from each of the 48 contiguous states. In addition to
the 2010 I've got a Terk loop. Is this setup adequate for my goal
(assuming "luck" as a factor)? I'd add that I'm limited to indoor
antennas at this time. I suppose I will need to pay more attention to

Also, I was trying to listen for a signal on the aeronautical band.
The 2010 was picking up music from the AM/FM radio in the adjacent
room... confusing at first, since I couldn't understand why the AB
would be host to syphonic music. I don't quite understand how the
AM/FM being on would cause this to happen....

Well, I would have to disagree with the poster who suggested the 2010 was
not adequate for MW dx. I have a portable quite inferior to yours(dx-398)
with which I logged 1120 KMOX St. Louis, and 1080 WTIC Hartford, Ct. from my
qth in Wilmington, NC last night without any external antenna at all, and
those are just the two that I recall off hand. I do agree however that it
would prove difficult to say the least to log 48 states on MW, but I'll
leave that for someone more knowledgeable to comment on. You'll probably
want to construct a box loop antenna or some such for the mw band. There are
several sites with instructions on how to build various types of mw loops on
the internet. Good luck.
