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  #9   Report Post  
Old December 22nd 04, 11:43 PM
Posts: n/a

ACE, if your memory is any better than mine, i remember
weird tones or whatever around 10-11 mhz about this time
last year. or maybe the year before. i remember lots of talk
on the web, and someone even had it on their web page. i'm
still reading it on 10500 at 22:20 utc here. it's sundown
and everyone's Xmas light are starting to lite up. so, lots
of hash, but still readable. i hooked up my torus loop/ Ed
loop to the sat800 and it's coming from the west/south/west.
wish i had my Wellbrook loop, it won't be here till the end
of jan. i'll keep the loop on it till it fads completely.
Steve, your the ACE. your better at this than i am. have you
heard anything like this before? too high on the band to be a
pirate? IIRC, those tones a year ago, was thought to be someone
or agency keeping a freq open. W/S/W of PGH is cinnci, where they
are having a monster snow storm right now. it must be strong to
get through the snow static. at 22:30u i still have a 5 to a 9
on it. i'll keep the loop and an ear on it till it fades. this
is the kind of things that keep me in this hobby. love this stuff.
by the way, hope you had a nice Solstice. and Steve, my wish for
you, a nice Xmas and a great New Year...