Thread: Yosemite Sam
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Old December 23rd 04, 05:00 AM
running dogg
Posts: n/a

Chris Smolinski wrote:

Now reported on a third freq, 6500, in addition to 3700 and 10500.
Indeed, I have all three here in MD, but they do not seem to be paralell.

VERY VERY LOUD on 3700 at 0400 UTC here in northern California. The
Yosemite Sam soundbite can be heard underneath the digital signal, and
sounds badly modulated. 6500 is very weak, and 10500 is inaudible.
Whatever it is, it's coming from my own backyard, RF wise, and with a
lot of power. At least on 3700 it is. The variation in signal strength
may indicate three different transmitter locations, which would point to
some sort of government (military or spy) operation, since a single ham
or pirate playing a prank would be unlikely to use three different
transmitters in thre different locations. The lack of // between the
three signals also would point to three different transmitters.

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