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Old October 28th 04, 05:32 PM
Linux Lover
Posts: n/a

Howard wrote:

Forget the discone, it will work - though I can't say any better
than the two antennas mentioned - but what you gain in reduced
footprint is lost in the discone being taller.
Also, you can expect to spend more for the discone.

If I can fit it in my attic *and* eliminate the need to have two
antennas (TV and FM), I am willing to spend the extra cost (up to $100).

I get most of the TV stations that I want through basic cable service.
There are two local TV stations that I receive very well with a simple
rabbit ear antenna (came with the TV), so my requirements from a TV
antenna are not very high.

I guess the only questions I have regarding the discone antenna a

1) Are there any issues in regard to wave polarization? Is it true that
both TV and FM broadcasts are polarized both vertically and horizontally?

2) How does one match between that about 50 ohms antenna impedance and
the cable's 75 ohm impedance?

FWIW, I put up the Radio Shack crossed dipole antenna at a friend's
cabin and it took him from getting no FM reception to two stations.
Okay, not an "FM DX antenna" but consider that he is 40 miles from any
town of significance, the cabin is in a valley and there are taller
mountains between him and anything else.

Yes, that is exactly the kind of result I want to achieve. I know there
is no magical solution that defies the laws of physics (50% signal loss
when placed in the attic, size, etc.) such as the "bogus antennas"
described he

Good luck,

Thank you very much!