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Old December 24th 04, 02:39 PM
George Ashley
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Default Merry Christmas Lloyd Davies

This was e-mailed to me this morning by Oris Grim an old friend.
__________________________________________________ _________

I happened to be traveling through Huntsville, Alabama early this morning, I
decided to stop in Athens and see just how tough Lloyd Davies was going to act
when he saw me in person.

Many of you know that a few years ago, Lloyd got smart with several people in
the Deja Newsgroup (now Google) and I issued a challenge to him. I told him I
would be attending the Dalton, Ga. Hamfest if he wanted to continue the
conversation. He said he would be there and he was going to kick my ass.

Well, Lloyd was a no-show and continued the verbal assault on the newsgroups.
He always talks tough behind his keyboard. And, I understand he is now doing
the same sort of thing on the NIM Busters Board.

Well, about 8.35 this morning (December 23, 2004) I located his apartment in a
nasty looking section of town. I'm a pretty good sized man, but I put my gun in
my back waistband after exiting the car. I located his apartment and knocked on
the door. The doorbell was missing and bare wires were sticking out of the
wall. I heard someone say I'm coming and shortly the door opened with a safety
chain lock still engaged. He asked what I wanted and I introduced myself and
asked if we could have a conversation. He turned white as a sheet and attempted
to slam the door, but I already had a foot wedged in the opening. He started
shaking uncontrollably and was shouting leave me alone, leave me alone! I told
him he didn't seem so tough now face to face and then noticed a putrid odor of
urine and he was ****ing his pants and crying like a baby. Please leave me
alone Oris he said, I was just having fun and meant no harm, please leave,
please. I could see the filthy floor of this apartment and the dirty floors and
the stench of a grown man ****ing on himself were almost enough to make me want
to vomit, and I don't have a queasy stomach. Upon telling him that this time he
would escape a ass kicking and not to ever get a smart mouth with me again and
a verbal yes from him, I departed. That apartment complex looked like a
crackhouse, ******s everywhere, filthy grounds and stairwells. Junk cars
everywhere and garbage overflowing the garbage cans.

This Lloyd is nothing more than white trash that delivers pizzas and could
afford to take a trip out of town if the ticket cost $5.00.

I'm sending this to a friend who despises Lloyd Davies and he wanted to post it
for everyone to see just what kind of chicken**** asshole this Davies really

Oris Grim

Master Harmonica Player
Colliersville, Tennessee