Thread: ICOM Lawsuit
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Old December 25th 04, 02:22 AM
Eric F. Richards
Posts: n/a

"DeWayne" wrote:

Do I detect the beginnings of a class action lawsuit?

Why not just a petition with a lot of names? With all the R75 and R5 owners?
Could Icom ignore that?

Y'know, when ICOM does well, they usually do VERY well. When they do
poorly, they produce the R1 and the R75.

Unfortunately, one thing they always do is handle criticism *very*
poorly. Especially ICOM America.

I wonder if Mr. Inoue (sp!) knows what is being done in his name over

Eric F. Richards,
"Nature abhors a vacuum tube." -- J. R. Pierce, Bell Labs, c. 1940