News From Sumatra
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December 26th 04, 06:49 PM
John Barnard
Posts: n/a
Frank White wrote:
In article ,
the total killed is now at 3,000 deid
Up to 4000 as of last reports.
The quake generated tsunamis 30 feet high and wiped out seaside
communities right and left. It's expected many of the dead
were sucked out to sea when the wave flowed back, and the
toll will continue to climb.
The areas hit are favorite vacation spots of Western tourists.
No telling how many of them are among the dead...
The number I've seen is 7000. Very little news about it on SW so far. I'm parked on 11880 kHz
(Radio Australia) at 1749 UTC waiting for a news report.
Good DX
John Barnard
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