Steve Quayle, / - 3.210 MHz at 19:00 EST / 24:00
UTC, said that Stan Deyo, the guy who predicted the quake in the "boxed
areas" in the direction of Australia AND mentioned the "complimentary"
quakes that could follow NOW says that evidence is currently pointing to
the PACIFIC Ocean West of Mexico up the west coast of the U.S.
Apparently the "method" is pretty simple. The U.S. Navy furnishes maps
giving the surface temperature of the oceans. You monitor these on a
daily (or more often) basis and watch for anomalies -- CHANGES! It's
like a weather forecaster watching for isobars to tell where the winds
are on weather maps. When you see two areas close by each other that
start to have widely varying temperatures there is something going on
UNDER the water. A quake just may be about to happen!
* * * * He now says such a situation seems to be developing off north
west Mexico! * * * *
You can monitor Stan's site (not sure of url. Link of Steve's site) for
updates and to see the maps.
In fulfillment of someone's "prediction" on this NG Steve seems to think
that HAARP *may* be involved.
1) In 2003 when Iran was making waves they just happened to have a
severe earthquake. THEY BLAMED THE U.S. and refused to take aid from us.
2) I believe it was 1976 that a treaty was signed that this technology
would not be used for war purposes.
3) It seems that someone in that area (? India) was thinking of NOT
supporting the U.S. dollar and this just *could* have been used to show
the world what could happen to those who didn't go along to get along!
4) Google "Ionospheric Heaters" - 486 hits - there are from 9 to 12
countries who now have this technology! There *may* be some clandestine
units in the hands of others.
5) Steve also feels "they" may be hiding the facts concerning the
magnitude of this quake. It was 8 point something, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2. Will
they finally admit it was even stronger? Will they ever admit it was
generated by man? Or was it? Time might tell.
Revelation 11:18 KJV "And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is
come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that
thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the
saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and SHOULDEST
The Amplified Bible renders it this way. Rev. 11:18, "18 And the
heathen (the nations) raged, but Your wrath (retribution, indignation)
came, the time when the dead will be judged and Your servants the
prophets and saints rewarded—and those who revere (fear) Your name, both
low and high and small and great—and [the time] for destroying the
corrupters of the earth. [Ps. 2:1.]"
Could it be that *someone* is currently developing the weapons /
technology that will eventually be used in an attempt to destroy the
earth and God will eventually have to intervene to prevent it? Think
about it!