Conan Ford wrote:
David Stinson wrote in
Brian Hill wrote:
Strange oscillation like helicopter. I've heard before and can't
place it?
It's the sound of the black helicopters, coming to start
yet another "Jesus Radio" loon show.
There's little else left on shortwave....sigh.
Must be a lot of money to be made
by scaring old hams into thinking they're
going to Hell, because that's just about
the only people listening any more.
I came across a program the other day from one of the domestic US shortwave
broadcasters that started out with the brief martial music interlude (about
10 seconds) that was used in Nazi Germany for official radio broadcasts
when the Furher or the propaganda minister was about to speak. It was
rather shocking.
Really? I wonder how much longer it will be before homeless drunks in
the US start claiming to be Hitler instead of Jesus. I suppose that soon
all of the Konspiracy Kookz will claim to be Hitler reincarnated. And
then there's the white trash in the US who paint over the name "Nissan"
on the tailgates of their pickups so that only the "SS" part is visible.