"running dogg" wrote in message
manmadelake wrote:
Well folks (..just as we expected they would) the usual
cadre of shortwave BC Kooks that spread their shi+ on
WWCR, WWRB and other similar stations of like 'ilk'
have started their usual song.
Yes sirree Bob, they are all hard up sayin they got the
lowdown on the "real story" of what/why happened
with the Sumatra Tsunami of 2005.
It's not 2005 for another couple days or so yet...
Here's some examples:
One bigtime 'political-type' shortwave kook is saying the US Govt
held back the USGS and USTS warnings deliberatly at the behest
of the IMF and the World Bank (...and the Bilderberges, NWO,
Rockefeller's etc etc...the usual boogeymen....yawn)
The kooks need to find some new boogeymen. We need somebody different
enough to stand out and who has some real money. Bill Gates! Why not
blame the ills of humanity on Bill Gates? I'm sure Microsoft has some
secret technology that can cause earthquakes. They seem to have a lock
on every other form of technology.
Haven't you been listening to Alex Jones? He's identified Bill Gates as
minion of the New World Order. Gates has but a small fraction of the money
that the Illuminati has, and far, far less power than the Freemasons. I
suppose, if Gates does very well on his next Conspiracy Employee Evaluation,
he might be promoted to Minor Cog.
Another 'religious-kook' in SC says it was divine retribution
as the countries that got hit were either Islamic and/or Hindu
and not Christian, thus they deserved it.....
The one I heard was that the sex tourist brothels in Thailand invited
the Wrath of the Lamb (tm). Sri Lanka? It was in the way. Collateral
damage, you know.
In my book, Divine Retribution carries far more gravity than yet another
Microsoft crash.
Of course, our Resident Kook, Al Patrick, insists that once the
Hindus/Muslims/Buddhists saw the big wave coming, they found Jesus in a
hurry, raised their hands to Him in forgiveness of their sins like
evangelical whites in America do, and then drowned as saved people.
Hallelujah! Hey, it worked for the early Christians, who were baptized
on their deathbeds so they wouldn't have a chance to sin and anger God
before they died, thus ensuring they'd go to heaven.
Give Al some credit. It IS a novel thought.
Another says it was caused by the HAARP....
Another says it was caused by the approach of Planet-X...
Four different short-wave broadcasters, four different
kook theories! I mean can U dig it bro? My only regret
was missing hearing Richard Hoagland's take on this
on Coast to Coast AM last night. My guess is he blamed the
Face on Mars or something else (?) rather goofy or
How amusing people are eh?
I see that the kooks have no new conspiracy theories, they're just
applying the old ones.
And I applaud them for sticking with the tried and true! Like the
automakers who have been manufacturing cars with four wheels for over a
century. They know what works!
Oh well, I mean, I've been around and have seen girls
back in the day at Po City do stuff that would make
yer hair stand up iffen you weren't drunk, so nothing
on shortwave really suprises me anymore, albeit it's
still great fun to listen to these cranks theories for
a good laugh or two! Yes domestic shortwave radio
in the USA, truly an "RF Grassy Knoll" with guys an
BC microphones hiding behind da bushes eh...?
Actually, the conspiracy theorists aren't even funny anymore. The joke
wears off real fast, and the cranks can't see that.
The best is timeless. Have Gershwin and Ellington become outdated? Of
course not! Should Laika & The Cosmonauts refused to remake Dizzy
Gillespie's "A Night In Tunisia" simply because it was old?
A Canadian, eh? US domestic shortwave must be real amusing to you guys
up there. I bet that no place in the world has more conspiracists than
America, except maybe the non-Israeli Middle East, and those
conspiracists sing the same tune all the time too, except they have a
bigger woe-is-us-we're-oppressed angle.
I have no doubts. We're number 1! We're number 1!
(check out the "Border-Babe" show on 5.085
as I type this, the ole manure spreader from MD
is doin her falsetto-voice 'barbie' routine with her
sock-puppet........or the SS-5 on 9.318 grin)
Frank Dresser