Tom Ring wrote in message
. ..
political commentary wrote:
The point is you want to elect a cheater.
Thats not a very smart thing to do is it?
You mean as opposed to a confessed war criminal, who in congressional
hearings admitted to burning villages, killing innocent women and
children, and shooting unarmed enemy soldiers in the back as they ran?
That kind of thing? Like Kerry?
Kerry went to congress to parrot the issues
of other Viet Nam vets. The repugnant party
- the party of lies and deception - spins this
event to malign a true war hero.
In contrast... any leader who's army invades
a sovereign country that is not an immediate
threat to the invading country, is, according to
international law, a war criminal.
Yes, Saddam was a first-class jerk and two-
bit tyrant, but was not an immediate threat to
America - he lost 2 wars and was sanctioned
by the UN - his army was left impotent, his
major weapons were destroyed after the gulf
war, his WMD programs were in shambles,
and there were no proven ties to al Queda.
GWB is a war criminal - too bad you support
a real war criminal - and that's not spin.