"-=jd=-" wrote in message
.. .
On Thu 30 Dec 2004 11:29:49p, "Michael Lawson" mtl@[REMOVE-
TO-REPLY]fuse.net wrote in message news:Jw4Bd.15550$IZ2.13061
Over the next week or so I'm planning on doing some
tweaking to my random wire antenna outside, and
I came across something on either the net or in a book
that recommended bungee cord for an outside antenna
to relieve the slack during wind gusts. I was planning
on just keeping a standard poly rope, but I was wondering
what the group thought of the idea of a bungee cord.
--Mike L.
Bungees don't seem to weather well, but will do for the short
term. You may also consider, instead of directly tying it off
at the far end, running the rope through a pulley, with two or
three bricks (or some other suitable weight) to hold tension
on the rope.
I found a 4" pulley for about $5 at the local home-improvement
store that's sold as a laundry-line pulley. Even though it's
plastic (with a metal axle), it's tougher than it looks.
Hmm.. I've thought about that, but I think that the
kids wouldn't go for having a brick hanging off of
a pulley on the end of their wooden playset, and
my wife would freak if I did that at the other end,
where our screened in porch is.
I may just keep it with the poly rope in pretty
much an as-is configuration for a while, and see
how it goes.
--Mike L.