40 Foot Lengths of Irrigation Tubing - FREE
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August 23rd 03, 06:39 PM
Brian Kelly
Posts: n/a
(Tom Bruhns) wrote in message m...
Where I grew up and became a ham, there wasn't a lot of money floating
around, and most of the hams made do with whatever they could for rigs
and antennas. A favorite antenna was a 40 foot length of 4"
irrigation pipe, vertical, fed against some ground radials. It works
out to very nearly 5/8 wave on 20 meters, and isn't hard to load on 40
and 15.
That's very good application. And they don't take much room to
Most of them did quite well with it. Maybe that will give
some youngster in your area some ideas. Your free offer is most of
what they'd need for that sort of antenna.
I've seen 'em stacked end-to-end to build 40 & 80M verticals, masts to
support dipoles & rhombics, for booms like the ones I made, etc. Their
use has been limited only by imaginations. With hams being the
ingenious buggers we are there aren't many limitations.
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