Robert D wrote:
An uncommon phobia characterized by a fear of all things "portable" or
"portable specific" such as a radio or other electronic device. A key
indicator of someone suffering from the disorder is the demand either
written or spoken to "tote" the feared object or objects so as not to be
The vast majority of those so afflicted have sub normal intelligence
quotients and are prone to irrational outbreaks at those around them.
Socializing is not a strong point and they generally have very few
friends. Those they do have, follow them slavishly and mimick their
every action. Alcohol is a common factor, as is repetitious use of
insults, signifying a lack of effort in vocabulary and personal
These sound samples are indicative of the speech mannerisms used by
the miscreant's 'shadows' and 'hangers on'
We don't have any such denizens here, do we?
Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No
matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got
there first, and is waiting for it.
Terry Pratchett