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Old January 4th 05, 07:57 PM
Posts: n/a

Guy Atkins wrote:
I owned a Clear Speech DSP speaker, but didn't keep it long,

The wideband "hiss" that was always present was really annoying,
particularly on weaker DX signals. It just served to add a "veil"

over the
intelligibility of the DX. The result was the same with

headphones or another speaker. I found Timewave and JPS DSP audio

more useful.

I really wanted the Clear Speech unit to blow the others away, as the

audio clips of the Clear Speech in auction were impressive. It just

match up to the advance billing, in my opinion.

Guy Atkins
Puyallup, WA USA

Thanks for the input. I'm also considering one of the Timewave
products, specifically the DSP-599zx, though even a used one is really
expensive and the reviews I've read about it have been mixed. It also
offers a lot more than I need. I don't work a lot with very narrow
bandwidths. I just want something that will allow me to cut through the
noise a bit better on SSB (and even on the broadcast bands, if
possible). The smartest thing for me to do might be to forget about DSP
and buy myself a 1980's vintage notch filter.