I have three of them (the Amcomic version, that has no knobs at all),
just the base unit (no speaker).
They do an excellent job on cutting out white noise. I also use them
on bird song audios taken with a backyard bird microphone. It produces
a result that beats parabolic directional mics, cutting the noise by
supergaining in frequency rather than in direction. (So it will
take out all the ambient noise except the bird; but it will not take
out other birds, as a directional mic would. The directional mic
though is generally used to take out ambient noise, not other birds.)
They do produce a hiss that I guess is more noticeable in headphones.
I don't notice it at all on a speaker.
It blows the 599zx noise reduction away (for that feature of the
599zx - the 599zx has others).
Heil says he's improving the speaker, though I just put them in the
audio chain as a component where they're appropriate.
Ron Hardin
On the internet, nobody knows you're a jerk.