Pops wrote:
AT first I thought it had just stopped working with batteries, so
been powering it with a wall wart for years now. Well, the other day
had a brand new pack of Duracell disposable batteries so I thought
the heck, why not give it a try. So I installed the batteries and
do you know, it worked just fine. Those lasted a few days, but this
morning the battery meter was getting low so I replaced them with
freshly charged never-been-used Energizer batteries, 2300 mAh.
Well, I flipped the radio to turn it on, and was somewhat surprised
see that it was completely dead. I removed the batteries then put
back in, thinking maybe there was a bad contact somewhere. This
work, so I took the batteries out and put them in the my battery
charger. I expected the charger to run for three, maybe five minutes
so. But no, it ran for a full charging cycle, about 40 minutes.
Somehow, my radio had completely discharged the batteries in a matter
of seconds.
Anyone have an idea what's going on here?
.................................................. .................................................. ....
I use the exact same batteries in my 909 and they work fine. I suspect
the new batteries, for some reason, had not been properly charged. It
about 12 hours to fully charge them in my Rayovac charger. The cells
an abrupt drop-off at the end of their charge, looking good one minute
dead the next. I wonder at a charging cycle of 40 minutes. This would
a current of at least 4 amps. My Rayovac charger is rated at 470 ma
per cell.
I would try a longer charge time...........ken.............