bpnjensen wrote:
Had exceptionally fine reception of African stations on 49m and 60m
here in California, US on the morning of January 6, 2005.
Notably, Accra, Ghana on 4915 at about 0630z was extremely strong
(s9+20) and easily heard in English, with the OM listing lottery
numbers, IDs at 0631 and nifty music. Best reception in recent memory.
Also, R. Burkina on 5030 at 0640z easily overpowered University
Network, with strong S9 and clear signal in FF, interview with many
mentions of Ouagadougou and discussion of radio presentations. Never
heard this well before. This station lists as 50kW, but did they get a
new transmitter or antenna? This signal just kept getting better past
0700, with tres cool African music.
Other Africans on 4777, 5995 and 7125 also had good signals, somewhat
better than commonly heard. Did not try R. Bangui, Central African
Republic on 31m but I'll bet pocket change that they were well heard
The outlet which has been recently reported to be from Bangui on 31 meters is
thought to be either via Gabon or France itself per some recent reports.