"wigg" wrote in message
Looking to fix or replace dead 7600D (will not power up).
Looks like could get the GR for the cost of the repair.
Any user thoughts gents?
Id say the better way to go as far as a "value for dollar" solution is to
get the new 7600gr. I have a 7600gr and I absolutely love it. The ssb
selectable am sync makes it my favorite of all my portables for program
listening. The audio quality is good, the sensitivity is very good an the
selectivity is very good. I also like it a lit for medium wave listening.
The 7600gr with all its features is a nice step up from the 7600d that you
have. If you spend money to have an older radio fixed, you'll still have a
radio with a lot of miles on it and far less features and capabilities of
the 7600gr.