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Old January 9th 05, 01:10 PM
Posts: n/a

In article . com,
"Joe Analssandrini" wrote:

Hello Ron,

I am not advocating the Wellbrook ALA 330S as a medium wave antenna;
many people on this and other sites have questioned whether it is
usable on the MWs. PASSPORT and some other references have said that
the '330S is quite "dead" on the medium waves. At least at night, this
is not so. If someone is interested in this antenna, at least they
should know that, though it certainly is not a first choice, it is
adequate for some MW listening, at least in my experience. (As I have
stated here and other places, I do not often DX on the MWs.)

Other people, such as yourself, who do MW DX, are more qualified than I
am to comment on the '330S's relative MW performance.

I must mention, however, that I could not hear the Ukrainian station on
my Grundig Satellit 800 with the C. Crane (Justice) AM antenna; too
much local noise.

But I did hear it clearly on my AOR AR7030 Plus with the Wellbrook Loop
when the Newark, NJ station faded out.

This antenna design is a good one for medium wave or BCB. Local
electrical noise generally goes up the lower in frequency you try to
receive on. The allowed electrical compliance curves for most items
increases at lower frequencies. The small loop is sensitive to magnetic
fields where the locally generated noise tends to be electric fields.
This insensitivity to local voltage noise fields will result in better
signal to noise than a voltage field sensitive antenna.

As long as the loop amplifier response is flat down to 100KHz then the
antenna should work just fine for BCB.

Ventura, California