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Old January 9th 05, 05:41 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Comparing 2 Radion right now.

I'm having an interesting moment now.

I'm sitting her at my computer listening to my YB 400 PE that is
hooked up to the scanner antenna on the roof.

I'm listening to 15.190 the BBC. I have the direct lead from the
antenna hooked to alligator clip and the other end hooked to the
antenna of my YB 400 PE. The signal is weak, coming and going, and
lots of noise. I have also plugged the antenna directly into the slot
on the side of the YB 400 PE, but I still don't get a very clear
signal on this frequency

I get up and go into my bedroom, turn on my 1972 Zenith Trans-Oceanic
D-7000Y and tune the same frequency just using the whip. The signal
is loud and clear. Very little fading, and almost no noise. Just a big
booming clear signal.

That is really amazing to me that there could be so much difference
between the two radios

So I think I'm going to get me a Satellit 800 and call it a day.
Forget about the receivers that cost thousands of dollars. I don't
believe there would be that much difference anymore