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Old January 9th 05, 06:03 PM
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On Sat, 08 Jan 2005 19:20:37 -0800, running dogg wrote:

I just tuned into the BBC (it's just after 0300 UTC as I write this) and
both 5975 and 9525 are covered up by that noise again. The one that
sounds like it's flourescent light QRM. The one that suddenly appeared
just after Christmas, then disappeared just after New Years, but now is
back. Whoever is doing this is quite close, RF wise, to my Northern
California location; I hear the noise even when I have the radio in a
position that is usually a "dead spot". It totally wipes out the BBC's
signal. I'm SURE this isn't a mixing product or front end overloading;
it doesn't appear on the stations on either side of the BBC's channel.
Is anybody else hearing this? I know that Arnie and Mark Zenier heard it
last time, so I'm not going crazy. Tune in to the BBC on 5975 and 9525
around 0300, just to see if you hear it. I'd like to know if more
easterly DXers like Ace can hear this and what they make of it.