Thread: Shortwave Radio
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Old January 12th 05, 12:31 PM
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FWIW, I have a Radio Shack Dx 394, and I would absolutely love to have the ICOM s.

Peace +

"big boy now" wrote in message . uk...
Go for the icom R75....please don't waist your money on a yaesu VR5000 they
are the biggest load of S? i have ever owned.
when they were released i paid £700+ for one of them with the DSP unit
installed...all i will say is i only owned it for just six months and sold
it on at a loss.........
i then went out and paid almost 3k for another as i am one who only wants
the best and after buying the VR5000 i know why i am the way i am....short
wave radio magazine run an article on the VR5000
and to be honest they even said they are not worth buying.
in my opinion i can not understand yaesu why bring out a receiver
that is so bad well next to useless... they yaesu have a good reputation so
why bring out such a crap receiver...
i will look in my old copies of short wave magazines and if i can find the
review i will post it hear for you...

"Dennis and Judy Toye" wrote in message
Hi guys need some help on deciding on which Shortwave Radio to get, a
R 75 or a Yaesu VR 5000.

Can some please help me.
