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Old January 14th 05, 03:23 PM
Mark S. Holden
Posts: n/a


why is it that people brag that capitalism is so great but complain
that we MUST to go to war when oil prices go up.

Can you name a war we went to based on the price of oil being too high?

or why does everyone complain that their cable TV bill keeps going up

but then they say its great that ebay keeps raising their fees.

Ebay fees going up will be good for stock holders in the short term. In the
long run, it will make it easier for a competitor to enter the market and get
big enough to become profitable. If this happens, auction fees are likely to
drop below their current levels. Competition is good.

and its great that CEO's make over a billion $$$ a year but complain
when their job is sent to china

Can you name one CEO who makes 1/4 of what you're claiming? I doubt it.
According to Forbes, only one CEO makes at least 7% of what you're claiming.

wise up people, don't be stupid till the day you die !!!!!
its all tied together !

Perhaps you should report to sick bay. Your powers of observation and logic are