david, David. DAVID !
Most of the "Off Topic" Messages that I 'post to'
are Originated by You and others.
Mostly I have been trying to Post Radio and Shortwave 'related' Topics.
- - - Her are some 'Original' Messages posted by Myself "RHF" - - -
* More Receiver Reviews and Info including 'other' People's WebPages
* FYI - KN4LF Daily LF/MF/HF RX Prop Outllook #2005-03
* Think About Using the CCRadio Plus in your Automobile ?
* Grounding the Home (PC) Computer's Frame and Power Supply ? ? ?
* So You Put-Up an Outside Shortwave Antenna and Your Neighbors are .
.. .
* Introduction to "AM" Medium Wave DXing - by the Ontario DX
Association (ODXC)
* Here is "Why" I am 'skeptical' about DRM and IBOC
* TV type Ferrite Cores / Ferrite Cores / Magnetic Longwire Baluns
(MLBs) and more
* "Cold Heat" Soldering Tool
* CPB and NPR "$ponsored" Programming - A National Network that
Follows the Money $ $ $
* The Eton 'Elite' E1 XM Radio "Genealogy" Drake SW1 SW2 SW8
GS800M E1 XM
* Shortwave Listener (SWL) Frequency & Schedule Resources that are
available "OnLine" { Links / URLS }
* RadioShack "Realistic" DX-160 Receiver
* Useful Icom IC-R75 [R-75] Links for Facts and Information about the
Icom IC-R75 [R-75]
* The Eton E1 XM Radio -=V=- Grundig Satellite 800 M [ Plus Some
History ]
* DRM "MOD" for the Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium Radio . . . {Eton
E1 XM Radio}
* Worcester Labs "Space Magnet" SM-2 Ferrite Loop Antenna
* Sony ICF-SW7600 / Sony ICF-SW7600G / Sony ICF-SW7600GR AM/FM
Shortwave Radio Information & Links
* FA - R. L. Drake SW8 'portable' World Band Shortwave Communications
* Types of Wire Antenna Insulators and "How To" Make the Insulator's
Eye Wire Wrap Joint
* Phillips Magnavox D2999 General Coverage 'portable' {Port-a-Top}
Communications Receiver
* STATUS : Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium World Band Receiver
* FYI [FA] - Ferrite Rod Loop Antenna VLF 150 - 450 kHz and AM/MW 500
-1750 kHz
* Eton E1 XM Radio "Up-Date" on Release Date and MSRP Price
So DaviD - What original Messages have you posted here on the
Rec.Radio.Shortwave NewsGroup that is "ON TOPIC" recently ?
making a list and counting it twice - to see who is naughty or nice ~