If you are interested in the radio and could afford it, you would click on
my link to my web page and see the radio and price. I host my own web page
on my computer and there are no pop up adds. I guess you have never heard
of that before. I guess the best thing for you to do is disregard my
postings in the future. That would save you a lot of time. Please go find
someone else to pick on and leave me alone.
Right now on AES, the price of the Yaesu FT-857 with shipping is over $
100.00 more than I am asking for mine. $ 864.00
Move on OM. If you come back with another comment, I guess we will all know
that you are just a whiner.
"G.p.G. (DSL#5)" wrote in message
1st let me say THANK YOU Joe for finally
listing a price. I for one will not click through to get
on your web site to see it. Some guys have software
on their web servers setup to peer inside your PC.
Others make a few cents each time, with PopUp ads.
Not sure which your deal is, and I really don't want
to know.
I LOVE this radio (FT-857), just purchased one
BRAND NEW from AES at the 2003 Dayton
Hamvention for only $739, which of course included
Also was able to put it on my credit card, with no extra
fees. Joe do you take Credit Cards? Is shipping included
in your $750 price? Do you tack on any sale taxes?
My FT-857 was the favorite rig at this years Field Day. It
blows my FT-100D away in ease of use. And how I love that
16 different color multi display. I think I want another one,
but I'll wait until AES has another SuperFest in Milwaukee,
by that time they'll probably be selling FT-857's BRAND NEW
for $699. I also picked up a FT-897 (another favorite at this years
Field Day) at Dayton's 2003 Hamvention for ONLY $829 same
out-the-door deal as described above.
Gregory (K9OY)
K5JOE wrote:
As new in the box. Yaesu FT-857 HF/50/144/440 Mobile. 100 watts out on
and 6 Meters, 50 on 144 and 20 on 440. $750.00 plus shipping. Like NEW
Can be seen on my web page: http://www.k5joe.com/page3.html
73 and Happy Hammin'