Thread: hf transceiver
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Old July 8th 03, 08:53 PM
Dave B.
Posts: n/a

In general, the people selling stuff at hamfests are honest. To feel safer,
at the hamfest, buy from someone who lives locally or near you and gives you
his callsign, etc.. If he lies to you he will know that it will be more
difficult to get away with it. Again, it is unlikely you'll get taken, but
it happens.

The hamfest idea is good because this is the best place to find the stuff
you're looking for and the prices you need. Normal dealers will not usually
take such radios in trade, and if you buy from someone over the web, it is
more likely that you won't be satisfied with the condition because many of
these rigs have led some long and, lets' say, "exciting" lives. If I were
buying a boatanchor I would want to SEE it first.

Plug the rig in at the hamfest (most of what you are looking at needs 110v
so you'll need to go to the building where they judge pigs and goats) and
see if it fires up. You may have to buy it first, but at least the seller
will still be there. Jam a length of wire into the antenna connector. If it
does not have an interrnal speaker (much of what you are looking at does
not), see if you can see the s-meter moving. Make sure you have a bunch of
wire to give it a fighting chance. A coat hanger may not get the job done.

"G. Doughty" wrote in message
Thank you for all the responses. You guys are most helpful. Here is my

step. There is the BRATS hamfest in Maryland that I will be going to at

end of the month. It will be my first fest. I'm rolling out of here at

to get there when tailgate sales begin. Are the products pretty good from
hamfests in general. The radios I have my eyes on are the ts-520, ft-101,

tec 555(not sure but if the price is right why not), and still the atlas

What do i need to look for to keep from getting suckered. Hams are a

honest bunch from what I have learned, but I still do not want to be taken

a ride. I do have some electrical experience( avionics in the Navy).

G. Doughty
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