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Old July 17th 03, 07:29 PM
G.p.G. (DSL#5)
Posts: n/a


*** Are these the same OLD CE-50 Service monitors,
that you tried to sell me 4 years ago at your Radio Shop
on Oakton Street in Des Plaines, IL?** I think you wanted
~ $2500 for them than too.* NO WONDER YOU STILL
HAVE THEM!!!* I picked up an IFR1200A a few weeks
after stopping by your shop, for $1500.* It blows the Cushman
CE50 away in features and reliability.* In May, I picked up
a Network Analyzer, HP8752C, at the Dayton Hamvention
from a Test Equipment dealer for only $2500.* I believe the
Network Analyzer was a much better buy, than your Old
Cushman CE 50 Service Monitors are.* B.T.Way, this year
at the Dayton Hamvention I saw lots of CE50 style Service
Monitors (WaveTek make an identical unit), none went for
more than $500.* Even on e-Bay, they don't sell for anywhere
near $2500 anymore.

** Why not try the Hamfest this weekend in Sugar Grove, Il.,
last year their was a guy their selling a UHF Maxar 50 for
$125 (remember when I came by your shop 4 years ago, I
was looking for Motorola Maxar 50's.* You tried to sell me
some old E. F. Johnson UHF radios for $125 each.* I found all
my UHF Maxar 50's, got 43 of them now, and didn't pay more
than $35 a unit, for any one of them).* If you can get $125 for a
Maxar 50 that's only worth ~$20 tops, you should be able to get
$2500 for some old Cushman service monitors, that are only worth
$500 (that is when they're are in EXCELLENT SHAPE; unlike the
ones that I saw you where selling).

*** I guess your old TWO WAY RADIO business must
have really slowed down, if you have to sell out all your old test
equipment for what you paid for it ($2500) 20 years ago.* At
that price, I guarantee you're kid Ed Jr. will still have it to sell in
another 20 years.* Maybe by than it will be considered an antique,
and worth $2500 again, NOT!!!

Good luck;
Gregory (K9OY)

"E. Folta" wrote:

Our sister company Transworld Technologies Inc is selling a few
Cushman CE50 service monitors.* They are functional and have spectrum
analyzer capability. More details on request.* Price $2500.00 each ppd
shipping to USA. More details on