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Old November 7th 04, 01:05 AM
Roy Lewallen
Posts: n/a

The requirements for amateur radio stations are in Article 810 of the
NEC. My copy of the NEC is 14 years old, so I wouldn't want to quote it.
A google search of

NEC 810 amateur

produced quite a few hits, some with direct quotes from the NEC. I
suggest you take a look at a few of them. Considering how seriously you
take the matter, and the possible cost of doing it wrong, I don't think
you should depend on newsgroup answers to your question. You should see
for yourself just what the NEC says.

I also suggest that you contact your city, county, or state electrical
inspection department. It's possible that one or more of those
jurisdictions have requirements differing from, or going beyond, the
NEC. They also might have a copy of the NEC and local codes that you
could look at and/or photocopy. And, they should be able to answer any
questions requiring interpretation.

If your electrical inspection office can't provide a copy of the NEC for
you to look at, you might consider shelling out $100 - $200 to buy one.
It doesn't change much from year to year, so you might be willing to
settle for a previous year's copy which I'm sure you can find at a
substantially reduced price. Or, excerpts might be available at a lower
price yet -- a web search would be the best way to find them.

Roy Lewallen, W7EL

gibberdill wrote:
Thank you for your reply.

Actually, I am not afraid that I will start a fire.

I am afraid that a fire might start for some other reason, and that my
insurance company won't pay my claim because of unrelated code violations.

So again, let me ask:

What must a homeowner do regarding ham transmision lines so as to avoid code