Thread: Is this right?
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Old July 28th 03, 06:13 AM
Ken Harris
Posts: n/a

no, asshole, send my radio back you scum, or my grand you owe me for it!

your sins may be washed away, but your debt is still there.
and i want the name and number of the minister you spoke with, you lying
yea, most people find religian as there time on this planet comes close to
an end, and i hope you die a slow and painful death, you have cost me
many,many thousands of dollars by not sending my money like you promised,
and i curse your every remaining minute on this planet.

have a nice day....
"Dave Munroe" wrote in message
Being a new Christian, I have many many questions about my new faith!
The Baptist minister came by my house and said that my "sins have been
washed away with Jesus". He said that I'm a "new man" and that my
"past was cleansed by Jesus". Does that mean I don't have to send
back any of these cool radio's I stole?
